Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Review: Creating Meaningful Dialogue

Great review for Creating Meaningful Dialogue from Sally Spedding, the Mistress of the Macabre herself and author of How To Write A Chiller Thriller ...

"Creating Meaningful Dialogue explores in depth every facet of this often-neglected aspect of fiction and non-fiction writing. Suzanne Ruthven leaves no stone unturned, and one only has to see the Contents page to realise how thorough this exploration is. The premise of 'getting rid of the dross from... your typescript and retain the gold in the story,' is delivered in a very readable style, from someone who knows what they're talking about. From dialogue that deliberately misleads, to causing confusion, and on into the detail of 'softeners' and 'hedges,' this is a remarkable achievement, to be read and re-read to avoid giving agents and editors the excuse to say 'no.' Buy it!"

Check out How To Write A Chiller Thriller by Sally Spedding on the Compass Books website or go to Sally's own website at

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