Friday, September 7, 2012

Personal Update

The final draft for How To Write For The How-To Market is almost complete and should be off to the publishers within the next couple of weeks.  Compass Books is slowly gaining recognition and we're beginning to have some highly experienced authors in our sights.  Have a look at for details of our activities and the forthcoming titles.  We're looking to expand Facebook as a mini-writers' resource, not just as a catalogue of creative writing books - so log in and 'Like'.

I've also restarted the research to kick-start my own novel - The House of Strange Gods - and will be knuckling down to this as soon as the last non-fiction book is out of the way.  It will be in the same vein as my first novel, Whittlewood, and I hope I have as much enjoyment writing it.  I'm also toying with the idea of publishing Whittlewood as an e-book for Kindle but that's for later.

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